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What is Notepad

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011 | 14.58

What is Notepad- Notepad is one of the windows default application, ranging from old windows. until today the windows 7 and windows 8. seen from the application name is a note which means the record, with a notepad where you can type in or create a message, scrip html or php or anything related to text. in notepad we can also change the style of typeface, size of writing as well as Mircosoft Word or other Microsoft Office. capacity which can be written in the text notepad mungkn could be more than the office, because until now I have rendered to look for and find the approximate deadline of writing letters or words on a notepad. surely we are often using computer-based windows, definitely will never escape from the default Windows applications on this one, because Microsoft would however have thought well this application is made is important or not.
We can use notepad for many uses. like making a record, making the file format html, and many others.

Ok, may be until here I can give this information about  What is Notepad ...
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What is Notepad 

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