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Tom Cruise Wants Beckham to be A Famous Actor

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 15 Desember 2011 | 07.00

          Tom Cruis Wants Beckham to be An Famous Actor--> Hi blogger, this occation I want to posting about David Beckham . This topic is David Beckham can be an Actor , Big Actor on Holliwod.
Tom Cruis , Tom Cruise wants David Beckham to play movies. Tom admitted at the launch his latest film in the UK.
           "I want to do an action film with Beckham. It would be awesome, he can become a great star. But he had to teach me to play the ball first," said Tom to the Mirror with joke..
A source said: "David has a lot to do with Hollywood, but Tom is someone who could potentially take him to play the movie, because, according to David, Tom is a legend."
"David still likes sports element and Tom as well, so their collaboration would like the competition."

           OK, may be only that about Tom Cruis Wants Beckham to be An Famous Actor

I Hope tihs information be useful and interesting.
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