1.You can visit this link : http://infolinks.com . And then, after the page is open, Click on join us now.
2. After that , fill out the registration form. And try to blog you submitted is the english language blog.
3. After you fill the form, you can copy the infolinks script and put in your english language blog.
Follow this step to put the script in your blog :
1. Login to your blog
2. Go to Plan " Rancangan "(in Indonesian)
3. Edit the HTML
4. Find </body>, you can type on your keyboard like this >> Ctrl+F
5. If you finding </body>, Put the script from last infolinks above </body>.
6. Wait the confirmation from the infolinks.com more of less 2-3 days.
Ok. Until that I can give the tutorial How To Put Infolinks In Blog.
Don't forget your comments... Ok ?
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